Scott R. Hummel is a composer, musician, and audio engineer from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Scott holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music and a Bachelor of Music in Audio and Music Production from Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania. He has performance experience in keyboard instruments, choral music, and percussion. Scott has written for various mediums, including carillon, choir, pipe organ, and percussion. His works are published through The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America and American Carillon Music Editions.
As an Associate Member of The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America (GCNA), Scott serves on the organization’s Arrangements Subcommittee. In addition, he manages public relations and marketing for the Guild, including the GCNA’s social media platforms. Through his publications and involvement in the Guild, he is passionate about promoting the carillon and its unique sound as a form of public musical performance. In 2020, Scott was invited to join the faculty of the North American Carillon School (NACS), where he is Instructor of Music Theory.
Scott’s involvement in the music industry extends beyond composition and performance to lighting design, theatrical production, and audio engineering. With an avid eye towards color, Scott has designed theatrical lighting for a variety of performance settings. In addition, he has served as both producer and technical director for multiple scholastic productions. As an audio engineer, Scott has worked with a broad range of musical genres and recording environments. For pipe organ, Scott recorded and produced Entrada, an album by organist David S. Wagner. He has a particular interest in classical and live recording settings.
Scott R. Hummel is a composer, musician, and audio engineer from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Scott holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music and a Bachelor of Music in Audio and Music Production from Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania. He has performance experience in keyboard instruments, choral music, and percussion. Scott has written for various mediums, including carillon, choir, pipe organ, and percussion. His works are published through The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America and American Carillon Music Editions.
As an Associate Member of The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America (GCNA), Scott serves on the organization’s Arrangements Subcommittee. In addition, he manages public relations and marketing for the Guild, including the GCNA’s social media platforms. Through his publications and involvement in the Guild, he is passionate about promoting the carillon and its unique sound as a form of public musical performance. In 2020, Scott was invited to join the faculty of the North American Carillon School (NACS), where he is Instructor of Music Theory.
Scott’s involvement in the music industry extends beyond composition and performance to lighting design, theatrical production, and audio engineering. With an avid eye towards color, Scott has designed theatrical lighting for a variety of performance settings. In addition, he has served as both producer and technical director for multiple scholastic productions. As an audio engineer, Scott has worked with a broad range of musical genres and recording environments. For pipe organ, Scott recorded and produced Entrada, an album by organist David S. Wagner. He has a particular interest in classical and live recording settings.